Hey there!
Finding simple solutions to difficult problems, gives me a rush.
I feel at my best when I turn ideas into products or services. I often prototype using Python and admire readable, testable code. For me, the process of refactoring brings me joy. As a strong advocate of opensource, I donate code and time when I can.
I currently work as a Software Engineer, writing software to manage infrastructure running in "the cloud", but I also have a basement full of real computers and servers.
I value Truth, Freedom, Harmony, & Love. I want to find financial independence to retire myself from unvoluntary work. Once accomplished, I want to help others reach freedom from unvoluntary work. As a result, right now I'm actively bootstrapping Make Post Sell, a platform to sell digital & physical products for as cheap as possible by using capacity engineering to optimize key operating expenses.
You should contact me, I love conversation and often respond in a timely manner!
Russell’s projects
Communicate with your readers. We host your web page comments without ads or tracking! (pay-what-you-can)
Make Post Sell
Sell the digital and physical things you make—commission free
A platform for to sell digital downloads & physical goods online for as cheap as possible.
Artifical Intelligence
We offer free AI services Text & TTS (Text-to-Speech) endpoints.
We intend to be a drop in replacement, you can use the existing open source OpenAI client to communicate with us.