Do you have a Pyramid application which authenticates users and uses a signed cookie as a session? Do you want to build a microservice using another framework and allow it to use the same cookie and session? Me too!
First we will review a bit of Pyramid code which describes the cookie session.
Setup Pyramid Signed Cookie Session
At the top of your you will have the following import:
# cookie only session, not encrypted but signed to prevent tampering!
from pyramid.session import SignedCookieSessionFactory
In the main() function of you will create a Configurator:
def main(global_config, **settings):
""" This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application."""
# setup session factory to use unencrypted but signed cookies.
session_factory = SignedCookieSessionFactory(
secret = 'test-secret'
# build app config object from ini.
config = Configurator(
settings = settings,
session_factory = session_factory,
As you can see for this test example the secret is hardcoded. A real application would define the secret in the .ini and access it using the settings object.
Now all new requests will have a request.session attribute.
You use it like a dictionary, for example:
# set some data into the cookie. for me, this logs the user in.
request.session['authenticated_user_id'] = 8
# get some data from the cookie. for me this gets the user_id or None.
authenticated_user_id = request.session.get('authenticated_user_id', None)
# delete a key / value from cookie. for me this will log out the user.
request.session['authenticated_user_id'] = None
Reference: SignedCookieSessionFactory
Teach Tornado how to read Pyramid cookies
In this section I'll show you how to access and deserialize the Pyramid cookie from a Tornado application.
To do this, I'm going to extend the Tornado Hello, world application:
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write("Hello, world")
def make_app():
return tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = make_app()
This is a simple application which listens to port 8888 and serves the text Hello, world when / is requested.
Add the following imports:
# accessing Pyramid cookies.
from webob.cookies import SignedSerializer
from pyramid.session import PickleSerializer
from pyramid.compat import bytes_
For testing purposes, create a global serializer object:
serializer = SignedSerializer(secret='test-secret', salt='pyramid.session.', serializer=PickleSerializer())
Adjust the get method in the MainHandler to look like this:
def get(self):
raw_cookie = self.get_cookie('session', None)
if raw_cookie is not None:
session_data = serializer.loads(bytes_(raw_cookie))
self.write("Hello, world")
The complete program follows:
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
# accessing Pyramid cookies.
from webob.cookies import SignedSerializer
from pyramid.session import PickleSerializer
from pyramid.compat import bytes_
serializer = SignedSerializer(secret='test-secret', salt='pyramid.session.', serializer=PickleSerializer())
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
raw_cookie = self.get_cookie('session', None)
if raw_cookie is not None:
session_data = serializer.loads(bytes_(raw_cookie))
self.write("Hello, world")
def make_app():
return tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = make_app()
Again, we are hardcoding the same secret. If you set everything up properly, loading in a web browser should print the cookie session_data in plain-text.
In my testing, I saw my cookie and it looked like this:
(1479520270, 1479516714.062414, {'authenticated_user_id': 5, 'nodes_pending_verify': []})
Hello, world
Thats all for now, let me know what you think in the comments!