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Integrating OpenAI with Dry's Sample Chat Game

This tutorial demonstrates enhancing Dry's Sample Chat Game by integrating OpenAI's language models, enabling the game to provide intelligent, AI-driven responses to user queries. Dry, the successor to Urho3D, offers a comprehensive framework for developing 2D and 3D games. Leveraging LLMs within the Dry engine opens up new possibilities.


The Sample Chat game in Dry provides basic messaging functionality where multiple copies of the game client can connect to a server to communicate via text messages. Our aim is to extend this functionality to include responses from OpenAI's language models when messages contain specific triggers, such as "gpt-3".


Ensure you have the following before starting:

  • An OpenAI API key.
  • A configured Dry build environment.
  • Some familiarity with build tooling or at least the ability to copy and paste commands into the terminal.

Step-by-Step Integration

Follow these steps to integrate OpenAI with the Sample Chat game:

  1. Obtain the OpenAI C++ Client

    Before modifying the chat game, you need to download the necessary files from the OpenAI C++ client repository. Use the following commands to create a directory for these files and download them:

    cd ~/git/dry
    mkdir -p Source/ThirdParty/openai
    mkdir -p Source/ThirdParty/openai/nlohmann
    cd Source/ThirdParty/openai
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olrea/openai-cpp/main/include/openai/openai.hpp
    cd nlohmann
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olrea/openai-cpp/main/include/openai/nlohmann/json.hpp

    I also found the need to modify the client to code slightly for the JSON import, pardon me if this is ignorant:

    // #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>  // nlohmann/json
    #include <Dry/ThirdParty/openai/nlohmann/json.hpp>

    The client requires cURL development files, on Fedora:

    sudo dnf install libcurl-devel
  2. Update the CMake Configuration

    Note: update PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR with your file path.

    Apply the following diff to CMakeLists.txt to include the OpenAI C++ client as well as cURL in your dry project:

    diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
    index a1eff04..0f32bc7 100644
    --- a/CMakeLists.txt
    +++ b/CMakeLists.txt
    @@ -188,6 +188,20 @@ else ()
     endif ()
    +# Find the cURL library
    +find_package(CURL REQUIRED)
    +# Globally link cURL to all targets
    +# Assuming this is set to your project's root directory
    +set(PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR /home/fox/git/dry)
    +# Create a symbolic link for openai
    +execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink
    +                ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Source/ThirdParty/openai
    +                ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/Dry/ThirdParty/openai)
  3. Modify Sample/16_Chat/chat.cpp file

    Implement the changes outlined in the diffs below for chat.cpp:

    diff --git a/Source/Samples/16_Chat/Chat.cpp b/Source/Samples/16_Chat/Chat.cpp
    index ee7c2b7..9d0e454 100644
    --- a/Source/Samples/16_Chat/Chat.cpp
    +++ b/Source/Samples/16_Chat/Chat.cpp
    @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
     #include <Dry/UI/Text.h>
     #include <Dry/UI/UI.h>
     #include <Dry/UI/UIEvents.h>
    +#include <Dry/ThirdParty/openai/openai.hpp>
     #include "Chat.h"
    @@ -201,16 +202,58 @@ void Chat::HandleSend(StringHash /*eventType*/, VariantMap& eventData)
         if (serverConnection)
    -        // A VectorBuffer object is convenient for constructing a message to send
    -        VectorBuffer msg;
    -        msg.WriteString(text);
    -        // Send the chat message as in-order and reliable
    -        serverConnection->SendMessage(MSG_CHAT, true, true, msg);
    +        // Check if the message contains "gpt-3"
    +        if (text.Contains("gpt-3"))
    +        {
    +            // Initialize OpenAI
    +            openai::start();
    +            // Correctly construct the JSON payload as a std::string
    +            std::string payload = std::string(R"({"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "messages":[{"role":"user", "content":")") + text.CString() + std::string(R"("}], "max_tokens": 600, "temperature": 0.5})");
    +            nlohmann::json gptResponse;
    +            try {
    +                // Parse the payload to JSON and make the API call
    +                gptResponse = openai::chat().create(nlohmann::json::parse(payload));
    +            } catch (const std::exception& e) {
    +                // Handle JSON parsing errors or API call failures
    +                std::cerr << "Error making API call or parsing response: " << e.what() << '\n';
    +                return;
    +            }
    +            std::string responseText;
    +            try {
    +                // Extract the response text from the JSON response
    +                responseText = gptResponse["choices"][0]["message"]["content"].get<std::string>();
    +            } catch (const std::exception& e) {
    +                // Handle errors in accessing the response content
    +                std::cerr << "Error extracting response text: " << e.what() << '\n';
    +                return;
    +            }
    +            // send the user's message to gpt-3 to the server.
    +            VectorBuffer msg1;
    +            msg1.WriteString(text);
    +            serverConnection->SendMessage(MSG_CHAT, true, true, msg1);
    +            // send the gpt-3 completion to the server.
    +            VectorBuffer msg2;
    +            msg2.WriteString(String(responseText.c_str()));
    +            serverConnection->SendMessage(MSG_CHAT, true, true, msg2);
    +        }
    +        else
    +        {
    +            // Normal chat message handling
    +            VectorBuffer msg;
    +            msg.WriteString(text);
    +            serverConnection->SendMessage(MSG_CHAT, true, true, msg);
    +        }
             // Empty the text edit after sending
  4. Prepare the Build Environment

    Before running CMake, ensure that any previous build configurations are cleared to avoid conflicts. This might involve deleting the CMake cache file:

    rm CMakeCache.txt # If exists

    Then, generate the build configuration:

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DRY_64BIT=1
  5. Build the Chat Game

    Compile the Sample Chat game with the newly integrated OpenAI C++ client:

    make 16_Chat/fast

Testing the Integration

After applying the changes and compiling the game, ensure your OpenAI API key is available to the game:

export OPENAI_API_KEY='your_openai_api_key_here'

Run the Sample Chat game and try sending a message containing "gpt-3". You should see an intelligent response generated by OpenAI's language model.


Remember you'll need at least one instance of the game running as server mode before a client can interact with the LLM.

That means you need to run ./bin/16_Chat at least twice in two different windows to see the experience.

What's Next?

You've now integrated OpenAI into Dry's Sample Chat game, enhancing it with AI-driven conversational capabilities. Explore further by customizing triggers, integrating other models using the same OpenAI client, or expanding the game's features.

I think personally I will try to get the client communicating with vllm likely running openchat.

Happy coding, and enjoy bringing LLM capabilities to your Dry games!

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© Russell Ballestrini.